I have made a decision to stop addressing my blog --Living Life with addiction. I will for the rest of my life live life with addiction at the forefront, but for now anyway I am choosing not to continue to write about my life.
I am currently a full time employee, and a part time student, mother, wife, and daughter to aging parents, so I have a lot on my plate right now. I may at some point find myself in a place where I feel that I have the time to renew my blog, but for right now I simply do not have the time.
My goal is to continue on my path of living my life as best I can one day at a time. I choose to let my son live his life as best he can one day at a time as well!
Living Life with Addiction at the forefront is a difficult task for anyone, but it can be done with happiness if you will allow for that and make that a priority in your life.
For anyone who has read or is reading my blog-I hope that by opening up my life as I see it in this very public forum has helped in some way or reveiled something helpful in some way! That was my only goal with this blog to begin with.
One important discovery that I have made during my journey with addiction --is that all of my pre-conceived notions about how best to approach my loved one regarding his addiction was wrong. Just like every lesson in my life it seems, I had to learn about addiction the hard way--by thinking I knew what was best without due diligence and research. If I can offer one word of advice it would be to research addiction like your life depended upon it! There is so much new and helpful research being done of late that is helping to open up new dialogs for understanding and help with the stigma attached with addiction. Read and study with an open mind, and find that place where you can come to terms with what addiction is or what addiction has done to your loved one in a way where you can simply LOVE them and not blame them for having this disease. Let go of thinking that YOU can physically do anything to dismiss addiction from your loved ones life and focus on yourself and the love you share with them. I am not an expert, nor do I play one on TV, but I have lived with addiction for the past 14 years of my life, and I have made many mistakes.
What I have found is that....Compassion, understanding, and love are the only things that will truly help you with living life with addiction. IMHO
Best Wishes!