Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Blog update; as the days become more hectic it seems.

My college class is very challenging and also very revealing about how my grammar and punctuation skills were in need of this refresher course.  I enjoy writing and I plan to share some of my college writing work on this blog between now and December.

Lucy, my sweet little puppy, is almost 4 months old now and she is proving to be very smart.  He will sit and lay down on command, most of the time.  She is crate trained, and house training accidents are becoming less and less.  We are getting into a routine and she is a bundle of energy as puppies tend to be.  Playing fetch with a tennis ball, digging up mole canals, dribbling a soccer ball, and intense nibbling of the cat’s ears are some of her favorite past times.  She has single handedly created much needed laughter in our home.  We love her dearly already and cannot imagine life without her!  My husband and I are planning our tenth anniversary trip and have decided that she will go along with us. 

My son has completed his 28 day inpatient rehab, moved into a transitional living apartment, has a sponsor (for the first time ever), and started a new job two days ago.  He is still feeling very positive about his decision to remove himself from our community and to start over in a new city.  His outlook is very positive, he has found an AA group that he really seems to respect and enjoy.  It is so amazing to me that days ago my son was in the depths of active addiction and my heart ached for him, understanding there was nothing I could do.  One step at a time, one day at a time, he found his way back.  He knew where he needed to be and what he needed to do, and he did it before it was too late.  He has told me more than once that is he so thankful to be alive and to have his life back.

Me:  Well all of the above, along with family visits, house work, yard work, and my full time job-- I am sleeping very good at night.  As Halloween approaches this coming weekend I must admit that I love to frighten little children who come seeking candy at my door.  Is this wrong?  Nah!  It is safe and harmless, and everyone ends up laughing including the kids. We have our usual spider trap ready, the ghosts are hung, the candy bowl is full, and rotten pumpkins adorn my front porch, so I guess you could say we are ready!  I hope that everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween, All Saints Day, and weekend.
One more thing before I close for today:  For those of you who are heart sick because your loved one has not found their way to recovery yet.  Don’t ever give up or let go of hope for them.  Be on the ready and prudent to help support them (however you can) in recovery when they make that decision.
 I felt like he was not hearing me when I would say…
“…Son- we will always love you! But we can only help you or support you in recovery.”
But, he heard me!  My son’s father was so angry and hurt by yet another relapse that he could not reach out and be supportive or loving toward his son at first this time around.  I understand being angry, but I think it might be better if we focus our anger on the disease not the person.  We need to always stay hopeful and ready to reach back out, again and again if necessary, when they reach out for recovery.
Recovery is their only hope for a happy and healthy life with addiction.

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